Move Better with Sandringham Osteopathy.

Sandringham Osteopathy

At Sandringham Osteo, we promise to provide the best possible treatment options to those who are in need of care. We don’t believe in gimmicks or excessive treatment schemes that create a dependency on practitioners. Alternatively, it is our primary interest to provide the necessary amount of care for each individual presentation, whilst giving our patients the required knowledge and guidance to self-manage their ailments wherever possible. 

 Amongst the hands-on and informative treatment options you'll receive when under our care, as a patient at Sandringham Osteo you'll also have access to a prolific referral network of trusted allied health professionals, who have worked in affiliation with our practitioners for years. This will always ensure that if your presentation requires additional approaches to be fully resolved or is outside our scope of practice, you can always ensure that you will receive the best possible care.

What do you need treated today?

  • Back Pain

    Usually arising from awkwardly bending and lifting or long term strain from poor posture at a desk. Our Osteopaths will determine any dysfunctions of the joints or discs in the low back, or weaknesses of the surrounding areas that may be contributing to low back pain, eg. upper back, hips.

  • Neck and Shoulder Pain

    A very common complaint, usually arising from a sudden quick movement, sleeping in the wrong position or prolonged posture eg. from desk working. Osteopathy will find out which structures are causing the grief, whether it be muscles, discs or joints.

  • Hip Pain

    Hip pain can present as pain on the side or in the groin, it may be difficult to sleep on that affected side at night. Our Osteopaths can help figure out if your pain is from surrounding structures such as ligaments & muscles or structures in the hip joint itself.

  • Foot and Ankle Pain

    The foot and ankle are very complex joints; they are very vulnerable to strain and injury. Common presentations are pain under the foot also called Plantar fascitis or pain around the achilles tendon. Our Osteopaths can help by treating the cause and relieve your symptoms and get you back to running and walking pain free.

  • Sports Injuries

    Whether it be an ankle sprain, ACL injury or pulled hamstring, Osteopathy can get you back playing and exercising quickly from injury through hands-on treatment and rehabilitation.

  • Headaches and Migraines

    There are many types of headaches and migraines, some coming from the joints and muscles in the neck and upper back. Osteopathy can help decrease how often they occur and how severe they are.

Meet the Team

Jordyn and Brent met whilst they were both studying Osteopathy at Vic Uni and recently tied the knot in December ‘23.  

They have worked in multiple clinics across Melbourne and Bayside and now call Sandringham home. 

After finding their perfect property during lockdown, they have been busy renovating to create a clinic that reflects them and their community. 

Jordyn and Brent are very excited to become a permanent part of the bayside area and assist the community with any pain and injuries, anyway they can.

You may see them out walking the neighborhood with their two greyhounds; Emmie & Pippy.

Brent, co-founder and lead Osteopath, treating a patient with a neck injury

Our approach to getting you moving better.

Osteopathy is a form of hands-on manual therapy that takes a holistic approach to resolving your pain or discomfort. Osteopaths can treat a very broad range of conditions in the human body for one very specific reason: It’s all connected. We treat the whole person, not just the condition (or we look at the whole of the body, rather than just the injury).

We consider each possible contributing factor in each unique presentation and also look at the surrounding inter-related structures in order to prevent the condition from recurring.

Each osteopathy treatment is tailored to you to ensure you get the best outcome possible. Our practice helps people of all ages and abilities with a range of common, complex and chronic conditions.

Now offering Shockwave Therapy.

Shockwave therapy is a safe form of treatment that has been clinically proven to be very effective in the treatment of chronic, persistent tendon-related pain conditions. This therapy stimulates the body’s natural self-healing process.

High energy pressure waves (not electric) are transmitted through the skin and into the underlying tissue. This produces an inflammatory response, which then increases metabolic activity around the site of pain. Therefore, stimulating & accelerating the healing process through:

  • Increased blood flow

  • Stimulation of collagen

  • Breaking down scar tissue

  • Dissolution of calcium build up

    Treatment sessions are only 15 minutes in duration. Depending on the condition & your response, 3-5 sessions are most beneficial.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, a referral is not necessary. Simply make an appointment with us over the phone or online.

  • New patient standard 30-minute appointment - $100

    Return patient standard 30-minute appointment - $100

    Long appointment 60-minute treatment - $200

  • Osteopathy treatment is covered by most major health funds. We offer instant rebates on the spot via HICAPS. The rebate varies depending on your health insurer, so check the details of your policy.

  • Yes, we accept enhanced primary care plans/CDM plans.

    If you have a chronic and complex care need, you may be eligible for funding through Medicare for up to 5 treatments per calendar year under the Enhanced Primary Care Plan upon suitable referral from your GP.

  • The three modalities are very similar overall. The main differences are found in the philosophies behind each modality and how the principles of treatment are applied.

    Very generally speaking;

    Osteopaths have a very holistic view of the body; focusing on the body as a whole, not just the problem area. Osteopathic treatment is varied and includes muscles, joints, nerves and lymphatics. We use hands-on techniques including soft tissue techniques, spinal manipulation and exercise prescription.

    Chiropractors aim to improve nervous system function primarily through chiropractic adjustments to the spine. They may use either special instruments or their hands to manipulate joints in the body. This process is also called spinal or joint manipulation. It can help reduce pain and correct the body's alignment and overall physical function.

    Physiotherapists strongly believe in movement, exercise and rehabilitation to assist people with pain and injury. Different specialties of Physio see them work in aged-care facilities, hospitals and in private practice.

  • In general, you may feel some change within 1-4 treatments.

    However, it is dependent upon your condition. Each individual is unique and therefore some people will require more or less treatment before they see improvement.

    Our osteopaths will discuss this with you as it may also depend on how long you have been in pain, the type and the intensity of your pain and how it is affecting your activities of daily living.

  • If required, your Osteopath can refer you to have further testing such as an X-ray or MRI or refer you on to another health practitioner or GP.